First tomatoes

I’ll do a post about starting the garden soon but just for this morning I want to show you my tomato plant.   Back in May in a flurry of excitement about growing stuff, we went to the garden centre to get some plants.  As I am a bit of a penny-pincher I went for the biggest tomato plant for the least money and got a tumbler.  I’m sure it had a label on it when I bought it but it is long gone.  So I planted it in a patio bag and waited for the lovely juicy tomatoes.

Flowers came and eventually we started to see little tomatoes coming.  They got bigger and then the first one started to change colour from green to a greeny-yellow, then to a stronger yellow and then………… stayed yellow.  We hadn’t had much sun so I left it there for over two weeks to ripen to red but nothing happened.  It just went a richer shade of yellow.

Last weekend I picked it as it was softening, and ate it.  It was sweet, juicy and delicious.  Turns out it is a yellow variety!!  Sadly I don’t know the name of it to make a note for next year.

Yellow tomatoes!!

There are loads more little green tomatoes on the plant and also masses of flowers on it, if they all produce toms we are going to have a glut!

Potential tomatoes


3 responses to this post.

  1. Yay tomatoes! The gardening bug didn’t hit me until too late to start this year. I wish I had tomato plants! What are you going to do with all the extra? Pickled tomatoes, pasta sauce, tomato jams, salads, grilled pizza, the options are endless.

    Oh, and I love the new blog title!


  2. Thanks Ingrid, my first comment!


  3. Posted by nINA on August 9, 2011 at 4:47 am

    If you like these tomatoes a lot, you might try saving some seeds and see if they grow and produce. If they are not hybrid, you will get plants which give you more of these yummy specimens. If nothing else, it’s a fun experiment.

    We have a terra cotta pot in the kitchen, where we sink various citrus pips or the occasional date pit, and see what grows. Dates take forever, but make a lovely frond plant. Until the cats eat it. 😦 We have several citrus plants enjoying the view in the kitchen.



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